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8 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Behind the Success of Hay Day

In this guest post, Michail Katkoff combines his game analytics wisdom with the hands-on experience of Timur Haussila, Product Lead at Supercell, to tell you the story of the studio's game Hay Day, from the very first idea to launch. Read on to see the results of this uncanny balet of ideas.
6 min read
#Tool & Product

Getting Started with Game Analytics: 3 Key Terms

The terminology in game analytics is hampered by some confusion, which fundamentally stems from analytics being a relatively new thing in games. This means that the terms and methodologies are generally borrowed from areas outside of game development and adapted locally. Without understanding key terms, looking for knowledge is seriously hampered so here we will spend a bit of time outlining a few of the most important.
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12 min read
#Ads & Monetization

How Rage of Bahamut Monetizes

This third post from Michail Katkoff, game analytics expert and friend of GameAnalytics, puts the spotlight on Rage of Bahmut - a game of contrasts. Michail explains how this game can effectively monetize players, while otherwise being bland, annoying and lacking polish.
9 min read
#Data & Analytics

Combatting Churn: 10 Reasons Why Players Quit Your Game

Joakim Achrén, CEO at My Next Games company game and former Director of analytics at Supercell, has more tips to share in this second guest post. Joakim rates the top ten reasons for which players tend to quit social games and also offers solutions to avoid each specific scenario.
6 min read
#Data & Analytics

7 Tips To Prevent Your Game From Failing

This new guest post features Joakim Achrén, CEO at My Next Games company and former Director of analytics at Supercell. Joakim will share some of his hard-earned tips for ensuring a healthy and promising development process for your game.
4 min read
#Tool & Product

Getting Started with Analytics 2: The Basics

Analytics is much more than a tool for generating revenue in Free-to-Play games. Analytics is a process of discovering and communicating patterns in data with the express purpose of solving problems. This can be as simple as calculating the average time players spend on a game, to a complete analysis of a company´s internal behavior. In this post we describe what game analytics is and what the fundamental benefits of integrating analytics in game development are.
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7 min read
#Ads & Monetization

How to Monetize an Infinite Runner

Michail Katkoff, Product Manager at Supercell, is back with yet another witty post. Michail is an expert in making profitable games using game analytics and an overall great guy and friend of GameAnalytics. This second post is a complex analysis on what defines a successful infinite runner game. Ladies and gentlemen, Michail Katkoff:
9 min read
#Tool & Product

Getting Started With GameAnalytics

Analytics is a powerful tool for informing decision making at strategic and operational levels in game development. It will help you answer key questions about design, fun, engagement, play, monetization and more. But it is a relatively new process in game development and there is not a lot of knowledge available out there for the non-expert. In this blog post, we will try to help you get started on analytics.
3 min read
#Data & Analytics

Frequent Itemset and Association Rule Mining

Frequent itemset mining is an interesting branch of data mining that focuses on looking at sequences of actions or events, for example the order in which we get dressed. Shirt first? Pants first? Socks second item or second shirt if wintertime? Sequence analysis is used in a lot of different areas, and is also highly useful in games for finding behavioral patterns that lead to particular behaviors, for example a player quitting a game. Here is how it works.
5 min read
#Data & Analytics

Practical Issues In Game Data Mining

Apart from the purely methodological concerns that gains the most attention on this blog, there are a range of important issues to consider when planning to or performing collection of game telemetry and mining of this type of data. For example, confidentiality of user data and effective pre-processing approaches are among the most important. Here we take a brief look at some of them.
4 min read
#Data & Analytics

Third Party Analytics: What Are The Options?

Outside the companies that actually develop computer games and other forms of interactive entertainment, a rapidly increasing number of third-parties have emerged in the past few years to provide analytics-related services to companies. Here we provide a brief overview of the types of providers available and the pros/cons of their services.
4 min read
#Mechanics & Features

Feature Selection and the Law of Diminishing Returns

A problem that recurrently mentioned during the recent Data Science Day in Berlin is feature selection: given the array of possible variables/features to track from a digital game, which of these should we track? The solution I heard mentioned most often was: track everything, analyze everything. However, this approach is not without its problems, notably in terms of the resources it requires to analyze everything. Another thing to consider is the law of diminishing returns.
4 min read
#Data & Analytics

What Is Game Telemetry?

Telemetry one of the fundamental terms in game analytics, describing the collection of data over a distance. The collection, analysis and reporting of user-behavior telemetry is the foundation for current analytics in game development. There is some confusion about the term, however, so we wanted to provide a bit of information about what telemetry is and its properties.